General Submission
We accept books for general submission (as opposed to a Sponsored Review) that are not past 90 days of their release date.
Please note that we do not guarantee that we will review books submitted under our General Submission program. Books received will be placed on the available books list sent out to reviewers every week. Once your book’s publish date reaches 90 days past its publish date, we will cancel the book from our system. You’ll receive an email if that occurs.
The earlier you get us your book, the more time it will spend on our list going out to the reviewers.
We accept:
- Advanced Reader Copies (ARCs)
- Manuscripts
- Printed books
We DO NOT accept digital copies of books, except for Sponsored Reviews.
So, what are the chances of my book being selected for review?
We only review 40% of the books sent to us.
Due to the large number of books we receive, we review about 60%. Self-published books also have an uphill battle, as many of our reviewers lean towards publishers they’ve enjoyed books from before. But that’s not to say we don’t support indie authors.
We are selective of what books we choose to accept for potential general review. Things that increase your chance of acceptance:
- Having a professionally designed cover.
- Attractively formatted interior.
- If you’ve provided us with a sell-sheet and your contact information.
- Is your book close to having been published close to our cut-off month above? The sooner you sent us a book, the longer it will stay on our available books list. Books that are received too close or after the month listed above won’t even be checked in.
If you really want to make sure we review your book…
Please note: If you send us a book for General Review that published prior to the month listed on the top of this page, we won’t even enter it into our database. If your book was published prior to the month listed above, please consider our Sponsored Review program.
We do not return books sent to us.
How to Mail Us a Printed Book
If you would like to snail mail us your book, please send two copies to our office (address listed below).
If you answer YES to these questions, you may submit your book to us for General Review consideration:
- Your book was published after the date listed at the top of this page or will be coming out soon.
- You understand we are not guaranteeing that we will review your book.
Mail TWO Books To:
Note this office is the hub for San Francisco Book Review, Seattle Book Review, Manhattan Book Review, Los Angeles Book Review, Portland Book Review, Chicago Book Review, Tulsa Book Review, San Diego Book Review, and Kids’ BookBuzz):
City Book Review
3201 Norris Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95821
Note: If you do not include your EMAIL address with your books, we will not consider them.